“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way” Marcus Aurelius
Necessity is the mother of change and we have had a speed course in managing in crisis that has driven extraordinary change in both our business and personal lives and whist Covid -19 and uncertainty of the protocol still stands in our way, we have learnt and adapt to use it for the better.
Businesses up and down the country have done us proud despite the fact that they have been far from immune to the economic effects of the pandemic. While we have been taking small steps towards economic recovery, we cannot miss the lasting impacts of the uncertainty caused by the pandemic and changes caused by Brexit. Maintaining motivation and innovation in the face of adversity isn’t easy.
One of the sources I look to for motivation is Marcus Aurelius – I have quoted his work and words many times in my talks and in my writing. He was the last of the so-called “five good emperors”. Marcus Aurelius kept the Roman Empire safe from the Parthians and Germans between the years 161-180. One of the most respected Roman emperors, he is best remembered for his rule driven by reason and his intellectual interest in Stoicism – a philosophy of personal ethics informed by its system of logic.
He reminds us we have power over our mind - not outside events. “Dwell on the beauty of life.” “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.” “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one”.
How can we reflect on this as we continue to lead our businesses through this adversity and these still turbulent times?
The leadership shadow you cast over your organisation has never been of greater importance. Your level of personal motivation really matters. Leaders cast a long shadow: what they say and do has a very large impact. People look up to leaders and because there is a human desire to belong and feel valued, they start copying them. After a while, organisations tend to become the shadow of their leader. The leader’s influence is far reaching and will set the levels of motivation and ability to think creatively and innovate. In short, YOUR MOOD BECOMES THEIR MOOD. Here are some questions to ask yourself.
• How has my mood changed in the last 18-24 months ?
• What have I noticed about the mood of others around me?
• Where has your focus gone?
• What has happened to your need to control?
• How visible are you to your team now?
• What needs to change now FOR THE BETTER OF YOUR TEAM
An important part of your Leadership shadow is the narrative around your business. The stories you tell. Words have power, language is the window to your soul. Words can either build up or drag down. What stories are you sharing about your people and how they have been working under these challenging circumstances? Are you sharing even the smallest of wins like repeat orders, contracts just won? Have some of your staff been working from home under challenging conditions, trying to juggle young children and work and grasping any hour of the day to get the work done? Have you captured the great acts of kindness that we have witnessed during the pandemic– staff going out of their way to deliver exceptional service in difficult circumstances? The stories you tell now are a reflection of your current leadership shadow.
· Who are your organisational heroes?
· How have you lifted them up and shared stories of their actions and results?
· Are you capturing these great stories and encouraging others to do so, to share both internally and externally?
· Are you creating a narrative of truths and experiences around your business that helps build motivation and drives creativity?
· Is your language and story currently dominated by the opportunity this impediment brings?
· Importantly, what is the story you are telling yourself right now about your ability to remain focused, motivated, resilient and leave a positive shadow across your teams?
Great adversity requires great resilience, that requires healthy self-talk, selfcare and self-esteem. That brings the ability to not bounce back but to bounce forward. The game changer!
Kate Marshall
Coach Speaker Author